Terms and conditions

TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE. This site is owned and controlled by Atelier Éclipse (owner of the Lumi brand). Please review the terms and conditions governing the use of this site. By accessing this site, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, which may be modified at any time without prior written notice from Atelier Éclipse. The entire content, including but not limited to all texts, designs, icons, photographs, codes, and software used or incorporated into this site, as well as the organization and presentation of its content, are trademarks, copyrighted information, or other intellectual property rights of Atelier Éclipse. This website may incorporate links to other websites. Atelier Éclipse makes no commitment regarding any website you may access through its own, and declares itself completely independent from these sites. Atelier Éclipse has no control over the content of these sites, and the presence of these links in no way constitutes an endorsement of other websites.

You agree that all information posted on this site is offered as-is, for informational purposes, with no guarantees, at any time, regarding its accuracy, including any implied warranties of quality, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. Despite all reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the site's content, Atelier Éclipse assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or validity of statements contained in the documents on this website. You agree to use this website at your own risk. Atelier Éclipse, its affiliates, as well as its directors, officers, employees, agents, successors, or assigns, shall not be held liable for any damages, including but not limited to direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages, that may result from the use of this website, even if Atelier Éclipse or one of its affiliates has been advised or should have been aware of the possibility of such damages.

These terms and conditions of use of this site are governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the province of Quebec, notwithstanding any jurisdictional conflicts. Any dispute related to this website, the terms and conditions, or any transaction, including the sale of a product, through the use of this website will be governed by the laws of the province of Quebec. If you have any questions or comments, please address them to info@ateliereclipse.com. Head office address: Atelier Éclipse, 321 Rue Saint-Georges, Saint-Jérôme